– Tips for BPC Representatives and Alternates to Engage Their Constituents –
Dear Big Park Council Representatives and Alternates,
These are the tips that the Membership Committee came up with awhile back for you to consider to better engage your neighbors about what’s going on in your neighborhood, in the Big Park Council, and in the Community. Please consider taking on one or more of these ideas so that your neighbors know what you and the BPC are doing for our community. Thank you so much!
John Wichert
President, Big Park Council
• Send the link to the BPC website to your constituents (www.bigparkcouncil.org)
• Ask your Alternates to assist with some of the below activities. Maybe they thought you’d never ask!
• Text alerts about BPC news to your constituents
• Just ask constituents to get involved
• Start your own Facebook group with constituents
• Send a monthly or quarterly HOA newsletter with BPC info that includes the link to the website and your name, phone, and email address; consider doing that jointly with your HOA president
• If your HOA isn’t too big, print a newsletter flyer with the above info, ring their doorbell, introduce yourself, and hand them the flyer
• Alternatively roll up the flyer and rubber band it to their front door
• Welcome new residents to your neighborhood and give them the above info
• With your HOA president, consider hosting quarterly morning coffees to discuss neighborhood and Village issues
• If not already done, sponsor a Firewise evaluation of your neighborhood