12 October Big Park Council Meeting & Community News



* COMMUNITY NEWS *  Meeting Agenda Follows – Keep Scrolling

– Sedona Arts Festival – OCTOBER 7 & 8 – This Weekend! –
Saturday 9am-5pm and Sunday 10am-4pm
Sedona Red Rock High School, 995 Upper Red Rock Loop Rd.

Click HERE to view or download a PDF of additional information.
Advance Purchase tickets online directly from the Sedona Arts Festival

Cecil Fire Containment up to 21%

FLAGSTAFF, Ariz., Oct. 4, 2023 –Containment on the Cecil Fire jumped to 21% as firefighters continue working to contain the fire perimeter while also repairing areas damaged during suppression work on the 2,180-acre lightning caused Cecil Fire, located southwest of Flagstaff. Click HERE to view or download additional information.

Firefighters holding Still Fire as wind speeds pick up
Fire area closed to public; roads impacted by smoke
HAPPY JACK, Ariz., Sept. 29, 2023 – Fire managers have successfully treated 1,462 acres of Mogollon Rim Ranger District (MRRD) and following three days of firing operations on the lightning-caused Still Fire.  Click HERE to view or download additional information.

Click HERE to view or download the October Imagine Newsletter
Click HERE to view or download the October Connect Newsletter

RESCHEDULED EVENT !! – October 25 – 4:30-6:30pm
An evening of Celebration & Cultural Exchange
Vino di SedonaSpace is limited – Please RSVP via email directly to the Sedona Sister Cities Association.
Click HERE to view or download a PDF of additional information.

Click HERE to view or download the 9/29 Sedona Chamber of Commerce Local News in PDF format
Click HERE to view or download the 10/2 Business Bulletin in PDF format.


9:00 A.M. Thursday, October 12th, 2023

Representatives, Alternates and Committee members are automatically on the guest list and will receive the meeting links in a separate email message.  No need to RSVP.

Guests must RSVP to receive the ZOOM link and to be on the attendees list.   If you would like to join the meeting, send an email to bigparkcouncil.inquiry@gmail.com with your name and email address. You will be added to the guest list.  We welcome you!

ZOOM Meeting
The ZOOM Waiting Room opens at 8:30am.  Each attendee will need to check in prior to the 9:00am start time.  Please arrive early so you can be checked in by the host.  See meeting protocols for rules pertaining to this meeting.
Guest Speaker(s):
Sedona Oak Creek Unified School District President – Randy Hawley
Verde Valley School, Head of School – Benjamin Lee
Yavapai County Sheriff’s Office, Sergeant Anthony Horn, Eastern Area Command – VOC
  1. Call to Order
  2. Roll Call – Mary Pope
  3. Approval of Agenda – John Wichert
  4. President’s Report – John Wichert
  5. Secretary’s Report – Mary Pope
    1. Approval of September Minutes
    2. Changes in Reps/Alternates
    3. Articles of Incorporation – Election Results
  6.  Treasurer’s Report – Patty Reski
    1. Current Financial Standing
    2. 501(c)3 Update
    3. Budget Committee Recommendations (Vote in November)
  7. Unfinished Business
    1. Review of APS Transmission Line Community Information Forum
    2. Legal Research Status
  8. Committee Resports
    1. Nominating – Mary Morris
    2. VVTPO – John Wichert
    3. Membership – Dennis Baumann
    4. P&Z – Nancy Maple
    5. Art in the Roundabouts – Rolf Funk
    6. Others
  9. Announcements
  10. Adjourn


Next EB Meeting: Tuesday October 31, 3pm, via ZOOM
Next Regular Meeting: Thursday, November9, , 9am via ZOOM
Meetings are posted on the BPRCC calendar and are open to the public.  Email bigparkcouncil.inquiry@gmail.com for additional details or visit our website at Big Park Council – Connecting Residents of the Village of Oak Creek
BPRCC Zoom Meeting Guest Etiquette
  1. Identify yourself with first and last name when you set up your zoom profile.
  2. Arrive at least 10-20 minutes early.  Guests will be checked against our RSVP list and admitted by the co-host.
  3. We will lock the meeting at 9:15—no late entrance to avoid distraction.
  4. Audio Settings/Options
  5. Zoom will give you audio options – choose computer audio. Other audio options can generate disruptive feedback.
  6. While in the waiting room, test your audio to make sure it is working.
  7. When admitted to the meeting, your audio will be automatically muted.  When called on to speak, you will need to Unmute your audio first.
  8. Make sure you are familiar with the Raise Hand command on the toolbar.  This is the only means that the Chair and presenters can see that you wish to speak. and helps to maintain an orderly and efficient meeting.
  9. The BPRCC Code of Conduct and Basic Rules of Parliamentary Procedure will be in effect at this meeting.  As a reminder, you will find them included with this message.  Click here to Download PDF

See the Council website for more information on meetings, activities and more.  www.bigparkcouncil.org.  You can also follow us on Facebook.

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Big Park Regional Coordinating Council

PO Box 21021

Sedona, Arizona 86341

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