Committees & Liaisons
All Committees act through the Council of Representatives and may not act or hold themselves out as being authorized to act on behalf of the Council of Representatives unless such action has been duly authorized at a Regular or Special Meeting of the Council of Representatives. A quick summary of each committee’s purpose is included below. To understand each committee’s full purpose and scope, read BPC’s policy on committees.
The following committees, consultants and liaisons were appointed by the President and approved by the Council of Representatives.
Liaisons & Consultants
Technology Consultant: Fred Lenz
Verde Valley Transportation Project Organization Liaison: Jeff Swan
US Forest Service Liaison: Bob Marriott
Standing Committees
Community Plan: Joe Skidmore, Chair
The purpose of the Community Plan Committee is to create a Community Vision Statement and Plan that provides guidance to developers, redevelopers, businesses and the County in land use, development, and re-development decision-making within the boundaries of the Big Park Region.
Dark-Sky: Curt Schneider and Dave Norton, Co-Chairs
The purpose of the Dark-Sky Committee is to uphold the IDA Dark-Sky Community designation on behalf of Big Park/Village of Oak Creek.
Membership: John Wichert, Chair
The purpose of the Membership Committee is to recruit new members and engage current members through education and advocacy.
Planning & Zoning: John Wichert and Bob Marriott, Co-Chairs
The purpose of the Planning & Zoning Committee is to help coordinate all matters concerning planning and zoning issues in the Big Park Regional Community.
Ad hoc Committees
APS Powerline Sub-Committee: Joe Skidmore and Mark Matousek, Co-Chairs
The Scope of Review by this Subcommittee is the Arizona Public Service’s (“APS”) proposed 69kV transmission line to be routed through adjacent national forest lands and the Village of Oak Creek to an existing substation in the Village.
Annual Committees Created by the Bylaws
Budget: Patty Reski, Chair
Bylaws – Article VII – Section 4. There shall be a Budget Committee chaired by the Treasurer of the Corporation. The Budget Committee will consist of at least three (3) members in addition to the Treasurer, two (2) of whom shall not be members of the Executive Board. Members of the Budget Committee shall be appointed at the Regular September Meeting of the Treasurer with the approval of the Executive Board. The duties of the Budget Committee shall be: a) To prepare the Annual Operating Budget of the Council of Representatives which shall be presented to the Council of Representatives at the Regular Meeting each October and approved by the Council of Representatives at its Regular Meeting in November and b) To distribute invoices for regular assessments of dues no later than November 30th.
Audit: Called up in January
Bylaws – Article VII – Section 5. There shall be an Audit Committee consisting of at least three (3) persons appointed by the President of the Corporation. The Audit Committee shall be chaired by one (1) officer of the Corporation other than the Treasurer. The Treasurer may not serve on the Audit Committee. The additional members shall include one (1) or more Representatives. The purpose of the Audit Committee is to examine and conduct an internal review of the Treasurer’s records, including all bank accounts of the Corporation, at the end of each calendar year and report to the Executive Board and the Council of Representatives within sixty (60) days of the beginning of the following year. If any Treasurer leaves office for any reason prior to the end of his/her term of office, the Audit Committee shall conduct an internal review of the records of that Treasurer up through the last date when such Treasurer served in office and report shall be made to the Executive Board and Council of Representatives within thirty (30) days.
Nominating: called up in August
Bylaws – Article VII – Section 6. There shall be a Nominating Committee, consisting of at least three (3) Representatives, Alternates and/or members of Member Organizations who are not officers of the Corporation and who shall be appointed and approved by the Council each August. The chair or vice-chair of the committee shall be a Council Representative or Alternate. The Nominating committee shall present its proposed candidates for all officers at the Regular Meeting of the Council each October.