About Us

What is Big Park?

In the late 1800’s, Big Park was the name that early settlers called the large, beautiful, red-rock rich area now occupied, in part, by the Village of Oak Creek.

The Village of Oak Creek is the largest unincorporated community within the historic Big Park region. However, many additional neighborhoods have been established in the surrounding areas and are commonly considered part of the Village or the Big Park community.

Since the Village and the surrounding neighborhoods are unincorporated, and thus have no local administrative structure, the areas are governed by Yavapai County.


What is the Big Park Council (BPC)?

At the request of Yavapai County, The Big Park Council was incorporated in 1997 to provide the citizens of the Big Park region, including the Village of Oak Creek and surrounding neighborhoods, a representational organization and forum to research and discuss local issues. The Council, in turn, efficiently communicates those issues and concerns to Yavapai County, State and Federal governments and any persons, firms or organizations affecting the community.

Today, the Council, a 501(c) 3 charitable organization, includes representatives from between 23 Residential (HOAs), Business and Educational organizations who represent the more than 6,100 citizens of the area.”

Big Park Council’s Mission

  • Promote the best interests of the Big Park Regional Community by studying the problems affecting the Community and seeking solutions;
  • To give expression to the Member Organizations of the Corporation;
  • To represent the interests of the Community to the County, State and Federal governments and to any persons or organizations affecting this Community; and
  • To provide education as well as a forum for residents, property owners, business owners, educational institutions and investors within the Community to resolve problems and advance the interests of the Community.

Through an approach of fact-based research, respectful dialogue and solution-based recommendations, the BPC can influence the decisions that affect the livability of our communities. In this way, the Council provides unique value to our region in the form of communication and collaboration.

Big Park Council’s Vision

Our community honors and protects its quiet, small-town feel and southwestern heritage.

We value and support low-density, low-rise, walkable development design to preserve our exceptional Red Rock views, open spaces, and cherished International Dark-Sky designation. Priorities include the health, welfare, education and safety of residents, reliable broadband and infrastructure and access to abundant educational, recreational, and cultural opportunities.

As part of our economy, we support sustainable tourism practices that enrich the quality of life for residents and future generations.

Big Park Council’s Accomplishments

The Council has been instrumental in significant, high impact initiatives that are part of the community’s sense of place:

  • Sponsored the successful application for designation as an International Dark-Sky Community. BPC continues to sponsor Dark-Sky community educational events.
  • Served as a key stakeholder responsible for SR-179 Scenic Byway project and ongoing stewardship.
  • Led development and adoption of Community Plans that were historically incorporated as part of the Verde Valley Land Use Plan and Yavapai County Comprehensive Plan.
  • Formed a new committee to create and support an ongoing Emergency Preparedness Plan and communication channel for the community.
  • Continues to keep the community informed, monitor the APS Transmission line proposal and provide information and the community’s point of view to the USFS.

The Council continues to provide both informal and formal input to Yavapai county and other decision-makers on a wide variety of issues affecting the community.

For additional information go to Local Issues.

Join Us

If your neighborhood, school or business organization is not represented on the Council and your would like to have a voice, consider joining the BPC. Our Articles of Incorporation and Bylaws explain the qualifications and process for joining.

For additional information go to Become a BPC Member Organization


The Big Park/Village of Oak Creek community relies on the volunteer spirit of our residents. If you would like to volunteer to assist the Big Park Regional Coordinating Council, contact one of the officers or send an email to us at bigparkcouncil.inquiry@gmail.com.  We welcome your involvement!


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