The Big Park Regional Coordinating Council held its Annual Meeting on January 13th via Zoom.
Community Report Garin Marschall, board member of the Sedona Village Learning Center (SVLC), provided an update of recent activities and the challenges facing the pre-school. The school currently has two teachers, one aide and 20 students. SVLC’s current combination LLC and 501(c)3 nonprofit structures are being consolidated into a single 501(c)3 organization. Garin explained that the looming May expiration of SVLC’s lease at Big Park Community School is an urgent challenge.
He said SVLC would like to remain at the same location and to grow over time by adding more grades. However, he added that the preschool needs to find a location “they can count on” to grow. He noted the importance of local schools as learning centers and also as social institutions for community interaction. According to Garin, the optimal size for the facility is ~1800 sf with 900+sf for outside play area and parking with safe drop-off area. He invited anyone with knowledge of a potential location or other suggestions to contact SVLC at
A Q&A session followed, with Garin responding to questions in the affirmative that SVLC would like to expand to early school grades, such as K-2. Other commenters noted the inconvenience and long bus ride to West Sedona, and that the community has lost families due to the Big Park Community School closure. To a question about the status of discussions with the school district to stay at the current location, Randy Hawley, president of the Sedona-Oak Creek United School District (SOCSD), commented that one of the lease conditions is operation of a pre-school only.
Appointment of Committee Chairs for 2022 The president reviewed the list of Council chair appointments for 2022, noting that there were few changes. The Planning & Zoning committee was expanded with the addition of Robert Czajkowski, Paul Cooley and Dave Norton as committee members, and Robin Stevens as Advisor on wireless technology and towers. Duane Thompson had volunteered to chair the Audit Committee, and representatives Carolyn Fisher and Ty DeJong agree to serve on the committee. The slate of chairs and members was approved.
New Council Members Welcomed The Council welcomed five new representatives and alternates: Cathedral Rock Ranch representative Ty deJong and alternate Robert Nora; Bell Rock Plaza Association representative Elizabeth McFarland; Pine Valley POA representative Dennis Bauman; and Piñon Woods 1 representative Susan Barber.
Meetings to Continue via Zoom Camille reviewed excerpts from a September 2021 survey regarding Council member preferences for live vs. virtual meeting format. She asked the Council what action they wished to take with consensus being to continue meeting via Zoom and revisit the topic in June.
Planning & Zoning Committee Duane Thompson reported that the APS subcommittee filed a detailed comment letter on January 4th with the U.S. Forest Service objecting to APS’s proposed new above-ground powerline into the Village. He noted that the letter was consistent with the Council’s position and that Donna Michaels, Yavapai County District 3 supervisor, and Keep Sedona Beautiful submitted similar letters.
Road Work Projects in the VOC Projects scheduled for early 2022 include Broken Lance Circle and a rubberized chip seal on Verde Valley School Road. The chip seal will include covering the full width of pavement with a rubberized chip seal and restoring the pavement striping and markings. Construction will likely begin sometime around April 1st. Public Works will also be relocating the sidewalk in front of Clarks Market in January. Residents are encouraged to report road issues to the Council ( for the attention of VVTPO.
Free Services Available at the Village Library Some special free services are available for residents. On Tuesdays, free technology assistance and on Wednesdays, free notary services – both by appointment. Call 928.282.7714 ext. 8100 or email In mid-February, volunteers from AARP will be available to help residents with tax preparation advice. They also offer fax, scanning, printing and b/w copying capability.
Next P&Z Meeting: Friday January 21st at 10am, Zoom
Next Executive Board Meeting: Tuesday February 1st, 3pm, location TBD
Next Regular Meeting: Thursday, February 10th, 9am, Zoom
Next EPPiC Meeting: Friday, February 4th at 2:00pm, location TBD