Community Discussion Forum

Presentation & Discussion 

on the Proposed APS 69kV Powerline into the VOC

Wednesday, April 28th 4pm, via Zoom

NOTE: You may submit questions ahead of the forum by email:  The chairman will read and respond to the group. 
The Big Park Regional Coordinating Council’s sub-committee has been researching and studying the APS proposal for a 69kV that would traverse through USFS land into the Village of Oak Creek.  The subcommittee’s recommendations will be presented for discussion and a vote at the May 13th meeting of the Council.  The Council’s recommendation will be forwarded to the USFS to be included in their deliberations and decision on what they will allow on Forest Service land.

As this is a technically complex subject, the sub-committee is offering an online ZOOM discussion forum to explain their recommendations and provide a question/answer opportunity for the entire community. 

To Attend the Forum (Zoom meeting)
Simply rsvp your interest with your email address and first/last name: You will receive a reply email with the zoom meeting login information.


Information Resources – pdf files that can also be found on the BPRCC website.
BPRCC P&Z Committee Recommended Position: This recommendation will be presented to the Council on 5-13-2021 for discussion and decision.
Fact Sheet on APS Powerline Project:  2-page summary of the project including outcome of discussions that the subcommittee has had with APS and the USFS.
Chronology of APS Powerline Project:  This project was unveiled by APS in 2019.  This timeline shows the progress to date.
Microgrid FAQ:  Quick tutorial on a microgrid option.
APS Powerline Map: Shows the proposed routes through the USFS from McGuireville to the VOC.
Results of Community Survey on APS Powerline Project: The BPRCC conducted an online survey to gauge community opinion on the project.
Press Release on Results of Community Survey: 2-26-2021 press release on the survey results.