Community news March 9th



Meeting Agenda Follows – Keep Scrolling


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REMINDER:  There will be a public Yavapai County Planning & Zoning hearing on the Verde Valley School Use Permit application, March 16th – 9am at 10 S. 6th Street in Cottonwood.  Click HERE to go directly to the Yavapai County Development Services website to find out more. 


The Big Park Council is working with the Sedona Village Partnership on our Art in the Roundabouts project.  To find out more about the Sedona Village Partnership’s other activities, click HERE to view or download their 5-page February newsletter.  

REMINDER:  The Sedona Women honor our founder with scholarships in varying amounts of up to $3,500. Scholarships are awarded in May to women whose educations have been interrupted and who are resuming, or have resumed, their education.  Additional requirements and instructions are addressed on the application form, which may be found on the Sedona Women website at: or Click HERE for a copy of their flier.   Application deadline is April 1, 2023. Scholarships are awarded in May of 2023.

The Big Park Council is a member of the Sedona Chamber of Commerce & Tourism Bureau. As such, we receive their monthly newsletter of local news, events and business news.   Click HERE to view or download the 9-page February 24th newsletter in PDF format. 

To view or download the March library newsletters, Click on the links below. 

REMINDER: The upper portion of Cathedral Rock Trail, located on the Red Rock Ranger District (RRRD), will close for construction February 1 through roughly March 31.  The area will close to the public while the Red Rock Trail Crew reconstructs rock walls and installs check steps on the trail.   The closure order may be lifted during February – or extended past March 31 – depending on the duration of trail work.  


9:00 A.M. Thursday, March 9th, 2023
Representatives, Alternates and Committee members are automatically on the guest list and will receive the meeting links in a separate email message.  No need to RSVP.

Guests must RSVP to receive the ZOOM link and to be on the attendees list.   If you would like to join the meeting, send an email to with your name and email address. You will be added to the guest list.  We welcome you!

ZOOM Meeting
The ZOOM Waiting Room opens at 8:30am.  Each attendee will need to check in prior to the 9:00am start time.  Please arrive early so you can be checked in by the host.  See meeting protocols for rules pertaining to this meeting.  
Call to Order
  1. Roll Call – Mary Pope
  2. President’s Report – John Wichert
  3. Secretary’s Report – Mary Pope
    1. Approve February minutes
    2. Changes to Member Organizations and/or Representatives
  4. Treasurer’s Report – Patty Reski
    1. Current financial standing
  5. Unfinished Business
    1. 501(c) 3 Status – Patty Reski 
    2. Vote on Bylaw Revision (Article I, Section 1) – Mary Pope
    3. Discussion/Vote on Community Plan Vision Statement – Camille Cox
    4. Discussion/Vote on Website Committee Purpose & Scope – Pat Robles
  6. New Business
    1. Officer evaluations
  7. Committee Reports
    1. P&Z – Bob Marriott, pro-tem
    2. APS Transmission line subcommittee – Duane Thompson
    3. Art in the Roundabouts (AiR)
    4. Emergency Preparedness (EPPiC) – Gwen Hanna
    5. Community Plan – Camille Cox
    6. Membership – Nancy Maple
  8. Announcements


Next P&Z Meeting:  
Friday, March 3rd, via ZOOM
Next EB Meeting: Tuesday April 4, 3pm, location TBD
Next Regular Meeting: Thursday April 13th, 9am via ZOOM

Meetings are posted on the BPRCC calendar and are open to the public.  Email for additional details.
Big Park Regional Coordinating Council: MEETINGS (
BPRCC Zoom Meeting Guest Etiquette
  1. Identify yourself with first and last name when you set up your zoom profile. 
  2. Arrive at least 10-20 minutes early.  Guests will be checked against our RSVP list and admitted by the co-host.
  3. We will lock the meeting at 9:15—no late entrance to avoid distraction.
  4. Audio Settings/Options
  5. Zoom will give you audio options – choose computer audio. Other audio options can generate disruptive feedback.
  6. While in the waiting room, test your audio to make sure it is working.
  7. When admitted to the meeting, your audio will be automatically muted.  When called on to speak, you will need to Unmute your audio first.
  8. Make sure you are familiar with the Raise Hand command on the toolbar.  This is the only means that the Chair and presenters can see that you wish to speak. and helps to maintain an orderly and efficient meeting. 
  9. The BPRCC Code of Conduct and Basic Rules of Parliamentary Procedure will be in effect at this meeting.  As a reminder, you will find them included with this message.  Click here to Download PDF 

See the Council website for more information on meetings, activities and more.  You can also follow us on Facebook

Copyright © 2023 Big Park Regional Coordinating Council, All rights reserved.

Our mailing address is:

Big Park Regional Coordinating Council

PO Box 21021

SedonaArizona 86341

Add us to your address book