Highlights of the May 12th Council meeting

Public Agency Speaker:  Ed Rose, general manager, Sedona-Oak Creek Airport Authority.  The Sedona airport serves business travelers, military and medical personnel as well as supporting local agencies in search and rescue operations and air support for fire suppression.  They provide support for local air tour operators and encourage aviation groups to locate events in Sedona. The airport authority is sensitive to noise and flight pattern violations and is able to isolate an individual aircraft’s route if a complaint is lodged.  Education on noise abatement is promoted on their website.  

Presidents Report:  Camille Cox explained what goes into the creation and execution of a BPRCC survey.  The uniformity of information and validity of responses is helpful to elected officials and other organizations. Data from the survey is providing substantiation to Supervisor Michaels to lead the process to bring recycling back to the VOC.  She noted that Supervisor Michaels called to thank the BPRCC for their leadership on this issue.  

Secretary’s Report:  Mary Pope welcomed two new Representatives, Jim Blanchard (La Barranca I) and Bob Marriott (VOCA) and one new Alternate, Brad Hanson (The Ridge).  

Strategic Planning & Leadership Development: Lenore Hemingway reported that a study of the Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats faced by the Council was completed, and requested it be sent to all Representatives for review and comment.  A document describing the respective responsibilities, duties and leadership competencies of the executive positions is in process.

Art in the Roundabouts:  Task force member David Gill presented a draft purpose and scope for the proposed committee, which the Council approved. Committee co-chairs and a chair for one of two proposed subcommittees were appointed. See separate Villager article for more information.

Planning & Zoning:  Mary Morris recapped the pre-application citizen participation meeting at The Collective for a Special Use Permit to allow public gatherings along with new information on the proposed AT&T 5G antenna.  Applications to the County are expected soon on both projects, after which the P&Z committee will review and provide recommendations to the Council.  

APS Powerline:  Duane Thompson reported on a May 11th meeting that included BPRCC, KSB, APS, the Sierra Club, the USFS, representatives from Senator Kelly and Congressman O’Halleran offices, and County Supervisor Donna Michaels.  The USFS is currently looking at a blended approach of “above ground” and “buried” powerlines.  

Emergency Preparedness (EPPiC):  Gwen Hanna reported on the committee’s meeting with Jon Jones of the Yavapai County Office of Emergency Management (YCOEM) which has responsibility for pre-incident preparedness and recovery after an incident.  See separate Villager article for details.

Dark-Sky:  Curt Schneider reported that a productive meeting was held April 28th with Ashley Wilson, Director of Conservation for the International Dark-Sky Alliance.  Yavapai County Development Services Director Jeremy Dye, Mark Lawler of KSB/City of Sedona and a representative from Supervisor Donna Michaels office were in attendance.  Revisions to the County’s outdated lighting ordinance will commence after the Board of Supervisors formally approves the 2023 Comprehensive Plan Update, expected early 2023.  The possibility of Yavapai County becoming an IDA Dark-Sky Preserve is a concept under consideration. The committee is looking at the possibility of convening a yearly regional Dark-Sky conference.  

Next Regular Meeting: Thursday, June 9th, 9:00am ZOOM – Guest speaker Isaac Dudley, Friends of the Verde River.