Local COVID Testing Information


Locally available tests and testing products is constantly changing, and a bit complicated. We have collected some information to help you understand and locate available options. The Big Park Council does not endorse or recommend any particular test/vaccine source or location.

Information resources on COVID-19 self-testing

Buying and scheduling COVID-19 tests

If you are traveling, be sure that you confirm the test requirements for your specific destination. Some destinations accept a self-test result, while others require that the test be administered by a Health Care Professional. Timeframe restrictions also vary, and you’ll need to plan ahead to ensure your test results meet the requirement.

The timing for test results varies by the type of test, the lab providing the results, and the number of people being testing at a given time or location. This can be anywhere from a few hours to five days – so call ahead and understand which type of test you are scheduling and when the results will be available.

When shopping for self tests, compare the approved diagnostic tests on the FDA list to what is available at the local stores and/or online. There may be additional locations and sources available in addition to those listed here. Phone numbers for individual locations can be found within the website links. Be sure to call to confirm before going to get your test(s).

The number of tests available for purchase and delivery options is another variable that can change, based on availability and demand.

Local curbside testing (PCR) and lab tests (PCR/NAAT) administered by a health care professional may also be available from the sources listed as well as from Spectrum Healthcare in Cottonwood (1-877-634-7333) 651 W. Mingus Ave., and NextCare Urgent Care in Sedona (928-203-4813) 2530 AZ 89A, Leenhouts Office Park.

COVID-19 vaccination shots and boosters

Information on locations and availability of COVID-19 vaccinations and boosters, can be found on the Arizona Department of Health Services website. Information can be viewed as a map or list: https://www.azdhs.gov/covid19/vaccines/index.php#find-vaccines.

The pharmacies and medical facilities listed above for testing, also may provide vaccination and booster shots. Call first as availability changes daily as does the need for an appointment vs. walk-in.