P&Z Recommendations to Council on Horse Mesa Ranch
P&Z Recommendations to Council on Horse Mesa Ranch Application for Use Permit and Waivers
At the August 12th meeting of the Council, we will be reviewing the Horse Mesa Ranch application for a permanent, non-transferable Use Permit for operation of an equestrian recreational facility on approximately 11.416 acres in the RCU-2A zoning district. This is not a new special use for the property, it is for continuation of the same use under new ownership. The new owners are also requesting two Ordinance Waivers.
The BPRCC P&Z Committee reviewed the application at their July 16th open meeting (via Zoom). The committee’s Recommendation/Development Assessment and the approved Minutes of that meeting can viewed and downloaded via links below.
At the Council meeting on August 12th, comments from the public will be limited to 2 minutes each.
NOTE: The Recommendation/Assessment and Minutes include information links to some of the same documents. Check before printing.
The Horse Mesa Ranch application is scheduled to be heard by Yavapai County Planning & Zoning Commission on August 19th atthe at the Cottonwood Annex.