17 Oct 2024 – BPC Meeting Highlights & Community News


Don’t forget to vote in these important national and local elections & propositions
Election day is November 5, 2024. 
Early Ballots have been mailed and should have been received.
You can check on the status of your Early Ballot at Ballot-by-Mail/Early Ballot Search (arizona.vote)
There is a ballot drop off box at the Village Fire Station, Slide Rock Road side.

Broadband Update – Public review of Arizona Commerce Authority proposal closes November 7 – If your community needs assistance in interpreting and/or monitoring the situation, please reach out to Tom Binnings or Marianne Langridge of VVREO. Send all correspondence to them at Administration@vvreo.com

VVREO Broadband Update Document

 RSVP Required to reserve seats

Additional Public Comments requested for Red Rock Trail Access Plan Phase II (Turkey Creek)
The 30-day comment period opened October 16 – Public comments can be provided in writing at: https://cara.fs2c.usda.gov/Public/CommentInput?project=66806 or via mail to Red Rock Ranger District, Attention: Red Rock Trails Enhancement, 8375 State Route 179, Sedona, AZ 86351; or in person at the Red Rock Ranger District Office.  Maps and the project scoping letter are also available directly from the Forest Service using the link. https://www.fs.usda.gov/project/coconino/?project=66806

CNF to host information sessions for Oak Creek Canyon subsurface withdrawal –  Nov. 6: 6 p.m. to 7 p.m. Teams meeting Link: https://tinyurl.com/22sfezyuCNF Accepting applicants for Women in Wildfire Program – To learn more go directly to the Wildfire Learning Portal

Village News from the Yavapai County Sheriff’s Office

Sgt. Anthony Horn has been reassigned out of the Village and a new sergeant is expected to be appointed soon.  In the interim, queries may be addressed to:

Lieutenant Daniel Pritchard 7573 Patrol Bureau: Eastern Area Command, Verde Valley Email: daniel.pritchard@yavapaiaz.gov Main: 928-771-3260 | Direct 928-554-8831 255 E. Gurley St. Prescott, AZ. 86301

The Big Park Council thanks Sgt. Horn for keeping the Village informed on safety and security matters, and for his guidance and assistance while he was assigned here.

There is a relatively new AZ law that all HOAs should be aware of.  It is ARS 33-1818, which changes how parking is regulated on public streets within an HOA. It says, unless an HOA formally votes to retain enforcement under their CC&Rs before June 30, 2025, any rules and enforcement will be done (in our case) by county authorities instead.

Please contact your local HOA for additional details.  Click  ARS 33-1818 to read the actual statute.

October 17, 2024 

President Susan Barber called the meeting to order at 9:00am with 12 Member Organizations and 12 guests present.  By 9:07am, a quorum of 14 member organizations was established.   She then introduced the first of three guest speakers, District Ranger, Alex Schlueter

Turkey Creek Trails Proposal Update and Changes
Alex provided an update on the Turkey Creek Trails proposal, officially known as “Red Rock Trails Access Plan Phase II”, and announced a 30-day public comment period for the revised proposal that began October 16. He explained the differences between official and social trails, noting that social trails are constructed without authorization. Many social trails do not meet required safety and sustainability standards and cannot be adopted or maintained by the Forest Service; these will be closed and naturalized.  Others have been included in the updated proposal.  Philip Walrod, the Recreation Staff Officer, discussed the changes made to the Turkey Creek trail system proposal, including the removal of an exclusion area for equestrian use, placement of the main trailhead away from the intersection of Verde Valley School Road and Forest Road 216B/Turkey Creek Trail, and the addition of an equestrian-only parking area.  Phil illustrated the changes using color coded maps of the trails noting that some trails will be recommended use for only hiking and biking.  In answer to a question, Alex confirmed that there would be no public meeting to discuss the changes, as they believe they have addressed most concerns by meeting with interested parties during the revision process.

Public comments can be provided in writing at: https://cara.fs2c.usda.gov/Public/CommentInput?project=66806 or via mail to Red Rock Ranger District, Attention: Red Rock Trails Enhancement, 8375 State Route 179, Sedona, AZ 86351; or in person at the Red Rock Ranger District Office.  Maps and the project scoping letter are also available directly from the Forest Service using the link.

Susan thanked Alex and Phil for their presentation and introduced Superintendent of Schools, Tom Swaninger as the next public agency speaker.

School Property Sale and Community Involvement Discussion
Tom discussed the November ballot issue regarding permission to sell the Big Park Community school privately.  He reviewed the outcomes of two meetings held with the community regarding the sale of the school property. The first meeting was more formal with a School Board quorum present and the second more of an open dialog with the public. He clarified that the property doesn’t have to be sold to the highest bidder, but to a responsible bidder that benefits the district and the community. In answer to a question, Tom also agreed that, if at all possible, the community’s feedback on potential proposals would be considered before any decision is made. He expressed openness to proposals from the county, provided they are interested in purchasing the property. During the discussion, a question was raised about the community’s involvement in zoning changes, to which Tom explained that zoning decisions are not made by the school board but by the county.  If a request for a change in zoning was made, it would come from the new owners of the property, not the school board.  It was further noted during discussion that payment for the initial school construction was via a public bond and Tom was asked if the public would receive any financial benefit from the sale of the school.  John Wichert emphasized the public importance of a financially stronger school system for attracting families and improving the quality of education. Tom agreed with John’s points and added that the school district faces challenges in maintaining its facilities, its aging transportation fleet and increasing school security. He suggested that selling the property could potentially delay or extend the process of requesting a bond from local taxpayers, which could help address these needs.  A final question was raised regarding the location of future school board meetings.   With 40% of the Sedona-Oak Creek population living in the Village, Tom was asked to consider scheduling school board meetings in the Village in addition to Sedona.  Tom agreed that with the success of the two recent informational meetings, they would strive to continue to use the Village as a future meeting venue.  He did note that logistics for regular school board meetings would be difficult to move as students, coaches and teachers participate and they attend right after school in Sedona.

Susan thanked Tom for his presentation and encouraged others to reach out to him for further discussions.  She then introduced Head of School, Ben Lee.

Verde Valley School Updates and Partnerships
Ben shared updates from Verde Valley School, highlighting their recent recognition by the Red Rock News as the best school in Sedona and the number one boarding school in Arizona by Niche. He also mentioned that a faculty member, Lianne Lydum, was selected as the International Baccalaureate Diploma Program Teacher of the Year.  It is the second year in a row that a teacher from Verde Valley School has received this honor. Ben also provided an overview of the student body, (105 Students, 60 are returners, 45 new) noting a slight increase in the number of girls and a significant increase in international students, now from 17 countries. He mentioned that the school is committing over 1 million dollars of financial aid to make the Verde Valley School experience available to families who desire it. Lastly, he announced the school’s partnership with Emerson Theatre Collaborative, which will lead to more arts collaborations throughout the year. Ben also shared the plans for the completion of the three unfinished buildings on the east side of the campus, originally begun by Camp Soaring Eagle and abandoned when that organization went bankrupt. The buildings will be transformed into classrooms, multi-purpose rooms, and a dining facility with a commercial kitchen.  In addition, the current organic farm next to these facilities will be expanded to provide more farm to table experiences. The aim is to position Verde Valley School at the forefront of experiential education and offer more language options for students.  He then shared recent photographs of the Northern Lights and comet taken by Verde Valley School students here in Sedona.  Dr. Lee’s Presentation  & Student Photographs: Comet – By Joachin Sheedy  Northern Lights 1 – by Lixue Lin  Northern Lights 2  by Liz Bolton
Susan thanked Ben and moved on to the business portion of the meeting.

She began the business meeting with Secretary Mary Pope calling the roll and confirming a quorum present of 14 member organizations.  Susan then called for approval of the agenda, which was unanimously accepted on a motion by Don Groves, seconded by Mary Morris.

Secretary’s Report: Mary Pope asked if there were any revisions to the minutes of the September 12 meeting, and hearing none, John Wichert moved that the minutes be approved as written, seconded by Carolyn Fisher.  Motion passed unanimously.  Mary welcomed new Alternate Representative Lisa Holly from La Barranca II.

Treasurer’s Report: Patty Reski presented the treasurer’s report, noting no income in September but two sizable, expected expenses, and announced the final payment to Earthrise Law Center.

2025 Proposed Budget: Patty thanked the Budget Committee of Neil Pope, Paul Sullivan and Pat Robles, and presented the proposed 2025 budget, which includes no increase in member annual assessments. She noted a slight increase in meeting room rental due to hybrid meetings and the addition of a miscellaneous line item. The budget is balanced, with income equaling expenses.  A vote on the budget will be at the November meeting.

2025 Officer Candidates:  Mary Morris, thanked the Nominating Committee members of Gay Chanler and Margie Gershtenson and introduced the 2025 officer candidates.  Susan Barber and Pat Robles have agreed to serve another term as President and Vice President respectively and Lisa Holly has accepted the nomination to be the recording secretary.  Mary Pope will be appointed as the corresponding secretary. Carol Murphy has accepted the nomination to be Treasurer.  Lisa and Carol spoke a bit about themselves.   A vote for 2025 officers will be at the November meeting.   As current secretary, Mary Pope called for any additional nominations from the floor, and hearing none, closed nominations.   2025 Officer Candidate Bios

New Business- Hybrid Meetings:  Susan reviewed the results of the survey taken after the September hybrid meeting.  All requirements have been met and the format considered to be successful.  She then asked if the Council would like to have another hybrid meeting in December, despite the unbudgeted $50 expense for a meeting room.  A hybrid meeting in December, including the $50 expense, was unanimously approved on a motion by Carolyn Fisher, seconded by Paul Sullivan.

Committee & Liaison Reports:  
APS Transmission Line Subcommittee:  Joe Skidmore discussed the ongoing revision of the objection letter by Mark Matusik and his efforts to secure a not-to-exceed quote from Earthrise to review the letter. He also mentioned potential collaboration with Mark Lawler of Keep Sedona Beautiful on objection letters and he also plans to update the BPC website. Joe expressed difficulty in establishing contact with the Red Rock Scenic Byway organization.  The USFS responsibility for overview of the transmission line ends at SR179 and the line then is proposed to be constructed on private property.  He is hoping to collaborate with the Red Rock Scenic Byway organization on this private land section of the project.  He also noted that there has been no response from the USFS on BPC’s FOIA request.  Susan will follow up with Senator Kelly’s office for additional assistance.

Membership Committee: John Wichert shared that a coffee event for the Big Park Council is being organized on October 24, at 10am at Firecreek coffee. Letters have been sent to local HOA’s who are not BPC member organizations, and he is awaiting their responses.

Planning & Zoning: Dave Norton & Bob Marriott met with Yavapai County planner, Stephanie Johnson last month.  He then provided an update on the ongoing construction issue at Hilton, despite a stop work order, and the county’s review of the property due to multiple zoning violations.

Verde Valley Regional Transportation Project Organization (VVRTPO): Jeff Swan reported that the regional transportation plan is still in progress, with proposals due soon, and the safety plan for pedestrians and cyclists has just been published.  Jeff deferred to Dave Norton RRREMD, on repair of the damage to the roundabout on SR179 and Ridge Trail as the repair was mistakenly assigned to ADOT.

Red Rock Road Enhancement Maintenance District (RRREMD) Dave Norton reported that he will be contacting the driver involved in the crash into the Ridge Trail roundabout.  Rather than wait for the payment, Dave reports that a contractor has been hired to rebuild the damaged wall at a cost of $1,200.  Payment from the driver will reimburse RRREMD.  He reiterated that there was confusion identifying the owner of the wall, but it has been resolved.

The RRREMD Board is working with the Sedona Village Partnership (SVP) on acquiring artwork for the roundabouts, with legal reviews ongoing for liability concerns. The artwork process is expected to take 1-2 years.

An ADA compliance review found 358 sidewalk issues that will be repaired by RRREMD, seeking reimbursement from ADOT as they are responsible for major repairs to the sidewalks along SR179. The crosswalk ADA pads also need repairs, which will be referred to ADOT for repair.

Sedona Village Rotary Club: Chuck Marr announced an upcoming Monarch Festival event March 19.

Meeting adjourned at 10:35am


  • The next Big Park Council meeting is Thursday, November 14 at 9am via Zoom
  • End of Year Big Park Council meeting (In Person & Zoom) December 12 at 9am
  • The next Executive Board meeting is November 5 at 2pm
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