District 3 Supervisor – Yavapai County Board of Supervisors –

Supervisor Check was in attendance at the BPC Annual Meeting and asked that we share her contact information so that you can reach out to her regarding Community issues.

Email:  Nikki.Check@yavapaiaz.gov
Direct office line is 928-649-6223.
For scheduling you can also cc district3@yavapaiaz.gov
Her Executive Assistant, Martha Liermann, can be reached at the office number 928-639-8110
Office Address:  10 S. 6th  St. Rm 201, Cottonwood, AZ 86326

Sign up for Yavapai County’s Genasys Protect Project
Sign up for the Yavapai Country Sheriff’s Office Emergency Notifications

Find out more about ALL local emergency service organizations and Ready-Set-Go preparations on the BPC Website – Emergencies! pages

City of Sedona – Western Gateway Survey
Survey Closes JAN 19, 2025
For additional details click HERE
To go to the Survey – Western Gateway Home Page
Information submitted will go directly to the City of Sedona

Make Blankets – Make a Difference

Date: Saturday, January 18

Times & Locations:

  • Main Library (West Sedona): 11:00 am – 3:00 pm (Community Room)
  • CLS in the Village: 11:00 am – 2:00 pm (Javelina Room)

Newsletter – January 2025

Link to ADOT Podcast – 2025 Projects around Arizona

Celebrating 2024

Concert – Sunday, February 2, 2025
The third concert of our 20th Anniversary Season will feature violinist Tai Murray, under the Artistic Direction of Janna Hymes. Known for her elegance and refined playing, Murray will offer a scintillating program with your Sedona Symphony. Go to the Sedona Symphony website for tickets & additional linformation

Verde Valley School
Together Tuesday – January 14 and beyond
REMINDER: Piano on the Rocks – Concerts & Special Events

SEDONA, Ariz., Jan. 7, 2025 — The Coconino National Forest’s Red Rock Ranger District will begin improving the Turkey Creek area trail system later this year.

REMINDER:  There is a relatively new AZ law that all HOAs should be aware of.  It is ARS 33-1818, which changes how parking is regulated on public streets within an HOA. It says, unless an HOA formally votes to retain enforcement under their CC&Rs before June 30, 2025, any rules and enforcement will be done (in our case) by county authorities instead.  Please contact your local HOA for additional details.  Click  ARS 33-1818 to read the actual statute.

In Person & VIA ZOOM
January 9, 2025 

A video recording of this meeting is available

Big Park Council President Susan Barber opened the meeting at 9:00 am by wishing everyone a happy new year and welcoming them to the 2025 annual meeting.  Susan also welcomed Nikki Check, our new Yavapai County Supervisor for District 3.

Secretary Lisa Holly called the roll confirming a quorum of 15 member organizations present, all via Zoom.  The agenda was approved on a motion by Pat Robles, seconded by Bob Marriott

Annual Refresher Training & New Member Orientation: Mary Pope led an annual refresher training and new member orientation, which was a reminder to everyone of their roles in the Big Park Council.  She explained that the Council is not an enforcement agency but works through other private and governmental agencies to achieve enforcement. Mary outlined the Council’s purpose, which is to promote the best interest of the residents, property owners, and investors within Big Park.

She also discussed the Council’s vision statement, adopted in 2023, and its role in representing the community’s opinions to county, state, and Federal bodies. Mary further explained the Council’s corporate structure, including the roles and responsibilities of the Council of Representatives, the Executive Board, committees, and liaisons. She emphasized that the Council is a voice for the community and that its representatives should communicate the opinions of their member organizations.

Mary discussed the roles and responsibilities of the Council, emphasizing the importance of acting in good faith and on behalf of the Corporation. She explained the concept of implied authority and the need for transparency in meetings and decision-making processes. Mary also touched on the issue of conflict of interest, stating that the Council is not subject to the Arizona conflict of interest statute. She highlighted the importance of respecting and considering others during meetings and the role of the President in maintaining order. Lastly, she outlined the hierarchy of governing documents, explaining their purpose and how they interact with each other.

Presidents Report:  Susan presented the 2025 officers and Executive Board members:
Susan Barber, President
Pat Robles, Vice President
Lisa Holly, Secretary
Carol Murphy, Treasurer
John Wichert, Immediate Past President

The Executive Board and Council meeting schedule was shared. Susan advised that there is budget for four hybrid meetings.  The hybrid meetings will be the last month of each quarter.

Susan then gave a broadband update on behalf of Tom Binnings, VVREO Board Chair, that the Arizona Commerce Authority had accepted VVREO’s recommendation to treat the Big Park / Village of Oak Creek as a single ISP service area, rather than splitting it along either side of SR 179.

Secretary’s Report:  Lisa called for any adjustments to the draft minutes of December 9, 2024 and hearing none, the minutes were approved on a motion by Bob Marriott, seconded by Pat Robles.  Lisa also reported that there were no changes to member representatives or alternates.

Treasurer’s Report: Patty presented the December financials which showed a balance of around $5,600 and then displayed the annual financials.

Unfinished Business
Proposed Bylaw Revision : A minor bylaw (Big Park Council Article 7, Committee section 4)  modification to change the due date for dues invoices to be sent out was approved on a motion from Patty Reski and seconded by Bob Marriott.

Firewise Collaboration: Lisa advised that a wildfire risk mitigation survey is forthcoming.  The survey is a short 4 questions to help the District Ranger better understand our community needs regarding a program to allow removal of downed wood off Forest land that is adjacent to homes and communities.

Appointment of Committee Chairs/Liaisons: Susan announced the 2025 committee chairs and liaisons appointments, thanking the committee chairs and members for their work. The appointments were approved on a motion from Dave Norton and seconded by John Wichert.

Community Plan Committee – Joe Skidmore and Tom Binnings
Dark Sky Committee- Dave Norton and Curt Snyder
Digital Media Committee – Pat Robles
Membership Committee – Open
Planning and Zoning Committee – Bob Marriott
APS Sub-Committee – Joe Skidmore and Mark Matousek
Audit Committee – Pat Robles (Chair), Joe Skidmore and Paul Sullivan
Technology Consultant – Fred Lenz
USFS Liaison – Bob Marriott
VVTPO Liaison – Jeff Swan

She reminded the standing committee chairs to send Lisa an email with their member names and contact information to ensure they are included in the Mail Chimp distribution.  Standing committee members should be presented for Council approval at the February meeting.

Committee & Liaison Reports

APS Subcommittee
John Wichert provided an update that the Forest Service had decided to publish their final environmental assessment on January 16th, initiating a 45-day objection filing period. He also mentioned that the objection letter was ready to be sent out but may require minor updates.   APS has agreed to stake the proposed power line and walk it with the committee members.  They have not set the stakes yet; although they have communicated it is completed.

Planning and Zoning Committee
Bob discussed the ongoing issues with the new construction at the Hilton Hotel near the golf course. He mentioned that the Yavapai County planning and zoning department has informed Hilton that they must restore the parking lot as it was originally approved.  Bob also mentioned the Hilton Garden Inn hotel project (Jacks Canyon and SR 179) and his involvement in connecting the developer with the Forest Service’s invasive weeds expert.  He then brought up the issue of floodlights at the Flagstar Bank, which he plans to formally complain about to the county.

Lastly, Bob mentioned a separate committee working on safety issues regarding the I 17 and SR 179 interchange.  A meeting with ADOT and various agencies is planned for early February.

Dark Sky Committee
Dave Norton and Curt Schneider will be filing the annual Dark Sky Certification Report for the Village.  Dave noted that the county committed to revising the lighting ordinance later this spring and it is supposed to be enacted by the Board of Supervisors in 2025.  Nikki Check will add to her items to “agendize”.


Rotary Club of Sedona Village, CJ Marr extended an invite to their meetings, which are on the 1st and 3rd Thursdays of each month at the village library. The next meeting on the 16th, Bob Burns will speak about the Corporate Commission and how it affects everyone’s pocketbook.

Yavapai County Supervisor, District 3, Nikki Check announced her focus areas are; zoning ordinance updates, transportation, and water issues, and shared her contact details for future communication.

928 649 6223

Arizona Water – Dave Norton raised concerns about a proposed drastic increase in water rates from Arizona Water.  According to the application submitted, the proposed increases are residential 48.7%, commercial 47.2%, and private fire service 50.4%. Arizona Water Co. submitted an application this summer to raise the rates.

Meeting adjourned at 10:08am


  • The next Big Park Council meeting is Thursday, February 13, 2025 at 9am via Zoom
  • The next Executive Board meeting is February 4 at 2pm
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PO Box 21021

SedonaArizona 86341

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