Agenda – January 12th Meeting



9:00 A.M. Thursday, January 12th, 2023

Call to Order

  1. Roll Call – Mary Pope
  2. President’s Report – Dr. John Wichert
    1. Introduction of 2023 Executive Board
    2. Committee Chair & Liaison appointments
    3. 2023 Council and Executive Board meeting schedule
  3. Secretary’s Report – Mary Pope
    1. Approve December minutes
    2. Changes to Member Organizations and/or Representatives
  4. Treasurer’s Report – Patty Reski
    1. Current financial standing
  5. New Business
    1. Broadband survey & initiatives – John Wichert
    2. Potential new committees for 2023 – John Wichert
    3. Annual Refresher Training & New Member Orientation – Mary Pope
  6. Committee Reports
    1. P&Z – David Gill
    2. Art in the Roundabouts (AiR)
    3. Dark-Sky – Dave Norton
    4. VVTPO Liaison – Steve Fiedler
  7. Announcements 


Next P&Z Meeting: 
Next EB Meeting: Tuesday Jan 31st, 3pm, location TBD
Next Regular Meeting: Thursday February 9th, 9am via ZOOM