SURVEYBroadband/Internet Speeds |
The Big Park Council is assisting an effort to better understand the current broadband situation in the Greater Sedona area. This local survey is being done to determine if VOC/Big Park may qualify for Federal Funding to install a fiberoptic network. Many households in the greater Sedona area do not have dependable bandwidth sufficient for a good telemedicine call or video conference call. Improving that situation requires improved infrastructure, not just for resident’s needs in the modern era, but also to serve the economic interests of our area. Federal money requires validation of the current situation – which is the reason the survey is needed. You can help by taking this brief survey. The survey will ask you to identify your internet service provider. You will then be asked to go to the Speedtest by Ookla web site and run a speed test. The test will show your download and upload speeds. Simply enter those numbers on the survey. Finally, please enter your address and return the survey. This should only require 5 to 10 minutes of your time. Notice that your name will not be entered on the survey. It is also important that you only perform Speedtest from your Big Park/VOC residence so that internet speeds from only our community will be collected. The data will specifically be used to create a map of actual up and download speeds in Big Park/VOC and Sedona. These results will be shared with the Federal Communications Commission and/or the National Telecommunications & Information Administration and/or the National Telecommunications & Information Administration. Click HERE to go to the survey. Information provided from the survey will go directly to Tom Binnings and James Curry of the Greater Sedona area group that is spearheading this effort. Please circulate this email within your community so that as many people as possible are able to participate. Thank you. |