President’s Report
- Art in the Roundabouts (AiR) has completed its organizational steps and has a collaborative arrangement in place with the Sedona Village Partnership. The program was successfully launched at a major stakeholder event October 4th.
- The Community Plan Committee has a robust email subscriber list, website and Facebook presence. They conducted a community survey and report on NAH Quality of Service. Other notable efforts include reviewed and submitted comments on the Yavapai County Comprehensive Plan draft, conducted a forum on STR legislation with County officials, sent County citizen surveys to the community. They continue to progress on the ten Elements of our local Community Plan.
- The Dark-Sky committee hosted Ashley Wilson of the IDA, provided information to the public at the Village BBQ, held two star-parties in the Village and supported neighboring communities and schools with presentations and Dark-Sky events.
- The EPPiC Committee has completed interviews with front-line responders and public agencies involved in emergency management (Yavapai County Sheriff’s Office, Sedona Fire District, Yavapai County Office of Emergency Management, United States Forest Service, Arizona Power Service and the American Red Cross). Each meeting was followed by articles in the Villager and BPC Highlights. These and additional findings have been organized for an information repository and is in readiness to begin to move into the production stage of a central website.
- The Planning & Zoning Committee has worked with the Verde Valley School on improved communication with respect to their Special Use Permit, and County review has been delayed allowing for additional public participation. They also responded to the ADOT 5-year plan proposal with a comment letter and later succeeded in convincing ADOT to do a study regarding safety issues at the intersection of SR-179 and I-17. They were successful in supporting the Las Piedras HOA on monsoon damage mitigation with County involvement. Collaborative work with AT&T on the siting of their 5G antenna was also successful. Comments on the Collective Special Use Permit were made to the County and will speak at the County hearing to be held shortly.
- The Strategic Plan & Leadership Development Task Force and Committee completed a SWAT analysis of the corporation, updated guidelines for the nominating committee process and prepared a report on ideas for attracting leadership.
- Other: A new corporate identity/logo was developed.Camille then recognized the 45 Villagers who volunteered their services to the BPC during 2022 and called for 2023 volunteers.
Treasurer Patty Reski presented outgoing President, Camille Cox, with a Thank-You gift certificate from the Council for dinner at Up the Creek Restaurant, expressing everyone’s gratitude for her long service to the Council, beginning as Secretary and then serving three years as President. Camille continues to serve in 2023 as Immediate Past President.
Secretary’s Report
Treasurer’s Report
Unfinished Business
After calling for nominations from the floor and declaring nominations closed, Camille then reminded the Council that in the event of two candidates, an electronic vote would be taken. After discussing various options, a motion was made by Mary Morris to vote during today’s meeting, seconded by Nina Joy Rizzo, passed 17 in favor, 2 opposed. A 10-minute recess was called, and Election Buddy ballot links were emailed to those Representatives in attendance. Upon completion of the election with all 19 votes tallied, the results were announced as Renald Stettler 6 votes, John Wichert 13 votes. John Wichert is the 2023 President of the Big Park Council.
Committee Reports
Planning & Zoning: In the absence of David Gill, Camille reported that the County hearing on the Special Use Permit for the Collective will be held December 22nd and David will attend to voice the BPC endorsement of the Collective’s application. In addition, there will be another public outreach meeting at the Verde Valley School regarding the school’s Special Use Permit, on January 11th at 6pm. An announcement of this meeting has already been sent out by the BPC to the full subscriber list.
Dark-Sky: Dave Norton noted that the Dark Sky Committee continues to support Dark Sky events in the Verde Valley. These have included joint events with the Camp Verde Dark Sky group at Alcantara Vineyard and Camp Verde High School and the Camp Verde Library. They are enthusiastic and will support events here as they have in the past. Co-Chairs Curt Schneider and Dave Norton are working on the annual IDA Dark Sky Report and will have it completed this month. Dark Sky readings have been taken and documented in the IDA format and they now have a reporting log system and map that can be used by future Committees. They are working on the text and including wonderful photos from our local astrophotographers. The committee has a goal in 2023 to initiate a program of educational notices to neighbors who are not in compliance with the County’s Dark-Sky requirements. The notice includes the KSB brochure and is intended to help individuals and businesses get into compliance before they are cited and fined by the County.
Emergency Preparedness & Planning (EPPiC): In the absence of Gwen Hanna, Mary Pope reported that Leslie Osborne has resigned from the committee due to health reasons and expressed the committee’s appreciation for her contributions. She will be missed. The committee feels that they have sufficient information to begin building a website/webpage to serve as a repository. Gwen Hanna confirmed that Camille Cox offered to continue to work with the committee on a website structure and Phil Feiner and Bob Marriott stepped up to work with her 1:1 as the site comes together. In terms of other collateral, the committee agreed that a news article should be written about the forthcoming website and emergency categories, and that an annual community forum should be held including our County Supervisor and Front-line responders.
VVTPO – Steve Fiedler submitted a written report which was circulated to representatives prior to the meeting.
- Jack’s Canyon Rd and Horse Ranch Rd. is a hidden intersection, Donna Michaels, Dan Cherry and residents are asking/having Yavapai county add blind intersection signs, relocating stop signs, yellow safety tape/symbols, trimming back vegetation and maybe more to increase visibility.
- Along with number 1, I’m requesting county to mow weeds and trim plants back, at least, 3 feet from asphalt edge so walkers, runners and bicyclist can get off road when cars pass. They usually mow the weeds several times per year and have only done one. The plants are overgrown now and need to be trimmed also.
- Donna Michaels said she is working on some type of walking/running path for Jack’s Canyon Rd area.
- The attached letter was received by BPCC in response to letter sent to ADOT concerning I-17 and 179 intersection safety after recent accident with semi -truck that lost its brakes and vehicle where passengers died.
- AiR – roundabout art project, we’ve ask ADOT for art specifications and they are working on it. Our next meeting Dec 22nd where we will work on articles to present to the public about themes, and requirements.
- RRREMD, 179 Rd district, landscaper is working on removing the unsightly dead weeds/grass in rock beds.
- PVPOA, in Pine Valley on Longwood, erosion is occurring on the west side and undermining the pavement which will start breaking off if not supported soon. I’m asking county to add large rock in drainage ditch.