December 9th BPRCC Meeting
Public Agency Report: Dr. Tina Redd, Dean of the Verde Valley for Yavapai College (YC), described her areas of responsibility including a focus on aligning the Strategic Vision with the needs of the Verde Valley. After reviewing program offerings, she explained that practical applications are prioritized – such as the (pending) public cafe on the Sedona campus that will feature products made by students in the culinary courses. She reported that the YC Skilled Trades Center (STC) construction classes have been expanded to accommodate demand, and expansion of OLLI courses in Prescott and the VOC is being explored. She stated that the administration seeks to optimize current facilities before expanding.
The Q&A session included comments on the need for access to programs in NE Yavapai County. In answer to a comment about the commute burden between the VOC and West Sedona and other VV facilities, Dr. Redd explained that expansion is a function of class enrollment. A suggestion by President Camille Cox that YC collaborate with BPRCC to survey the community about educational interests was well received. Appreciation was expressed to Dr. Redd for her informative presentation.
- Dr. Redd’s presentation download: Yavapai College Presentation
- Yavapai College Campus Master Plan 2021 download: 2021 Master Plan Presentation
President’s Report Camille complimented D3 County Supervisor Donna Michaels for being the first supervisor to participate with an entry in the annual Cottonwood Holiday Parade. The theme of the float “We are the Verde Valley” was represented with a showing of district community leaders, including Mary Morris and Camille for the BPRCC. The parade route swelled with families enjoying the beautiful day and more than 60 parade entries.
Call for 2022 Committee Members The contributions of 44 committee members and liaisons during 2021 was recognized by the president. Volunteer opportunities for 2022 include website support (design update and posting), Planning & Zoning Committee (recorder for minutes, assist w/Zoom), membership (assemble handbook), Audit Committee, Nominating Committee, A/V Support (assist w/Zoom at monthly meetings and special forums). Dark-Sky, EPPiC and Community Plan Committees welcome additional members. Members of the community are encouraged to participate in committees: email your interest to
Bylaw revision to allow the President and VP to serve four consecutive one-year terms, making their possible length of service the same as the Secretary and Treasurer, was unanimously approved, effective immediately. A new policy that details officer election procedures, was also unanimously approved.
Strategic Planning and Leadership Development A task force was proposed and unanimously approved to define a Purpose and Scope for a future committee. Don Groves, Phil Feiner, Lenore Hemingway, Gwen Hanna, Duane Thompson and Mary Pope will comprise the task force.
Nominating Committee With the immediate effect of the bylaw revision permitting a third term for the President, Nominating Committee Chair Lenore Hemingway nominated Camille Cox for President for 2022. Camille was elected by unanimous and enthusiastic acclamation.
P&Z Committee Chair Mary Morris announced that the December 17th P&Z meeting has been cancelled. The environmental assessment (EA) from the USFS on the APS 64kV powerline is expected December 15th. A 30-day comment period follows. The Council will respond to the USFS after the EA is published and notify the community via email and the website.
Community Plan Committee Chair Camille Cox reported that the Sonoran Institute accepted a Yavapai County team for their March 2022 workshop – AZ Growing Water Smart. Dr. Marianne Langridge, BPRCC Community Plan Committee member will represent us on the team, along with Supervisor Donna Michaels, Supervisor Harry Oberg, county staff and members of the county’s Comprehensive Plan Advisory Committee.
Emergency Preparedness Planning Committee Chair Gwen Hanna announced three new members – Mary Morris, Pat Murphy and Leslie Osborne. At the December 3rd committee meeting presentations were given on flood disaster (Camille Cox), general preparedness (Gwen Hanna), fire danger (Phil Feiner), and resources for pet/equestrian evacuation (Art Bertolina). Areas of overlap were identified and a draft site map will be created for information categorization and presentation.
Next Executive Board Meeting: Tuesday January 4th, 3pm, location TBD
Next Regular Meeting: Thursday, January 13th, 9am, Zoom
Next P&Z Meeting: Friday January 21st at 10am, Zoom
Next EPPiC Meeting: Friday, January 7th at 2:00pm, location TBD