Help Wanted

Dear Big Park Council Representatives, Alternates, Subscribers, and VOC Residents,

I am writing to request your assistance.  Recently the Big Park Council has been a very busy organization and interest in the activities of the Council seems to be increasing a lot.  That is obviously a good thing and the Council needs your involvement to sustain this level of activity.  Below I’m going to describe five ways that you can assist in order of increasing involvement.  Please consider volunteering some of your time for one or more of these activities.

  • The Big Park Council website has an outstanding section on Emergency Preparedness and Emergency Resources. As this is clearly the most important resource on the website, we are looking for someone who follows the news and weather closely to make sure that the emergency content of the website is current and complete.  When updating is indicated you would then write an update and submit it to our webmaster to be uploaded onto the website.  Time commitment: estimated 1-2 hours monthly
  • As you also may know, at the August 10 BPC meeting the Sedona Village Partnership(SVP) presented a grant up to $5000 of matching funds for our campaign to raise money to pay for legal research for the BPC to legally challenge the proposed APS above-ground powerline.

SVP also presented a $1000 grant with the suggestion that it be used to raise community awareness of this proposed project.  Therefore, we are seeking assistance to host a public event in late September to further educate our Village residents about the potential deleterious impacts of this proposed above-ground transmission line.  We also hope to raise further funds from this event.

Currently I am seeking a venue for this event. If you have any experience in putting on such an event (I have none) I would be grateful for any assistance that one or two of you could provide to make this event a success.  If you could be of assistance, please contact me at or 808-652-5622.  Thank you so much.  Time commitment: limited to planning and putting on this event

  • At our August 10 BPC meeting we requested for volunteers to serve on our Nominating Committee. Two individuals, Gay Chanler and Dave Norton, have volunteered to serve on this committee.  We are in need of a third volunteer for this 60 day limited committee assignment.  Please respond to Mary Pope at  Thank you.
  • Our Membership Committee was reactivated this year to bring greater awareness to the Big Park/VOC community of what the Big Park Council is and does. As this is an organization that relies entirely on volunteers from our community and since people come and go because life happens, the Membership Committee must constantly  brainstorm to educate, energize, and inspire we Villagers to be involved in our community.  Please become part of “The Heart of the BPC”!  Time commitment: 1 hr meeting monthly
  • Become a Big Park Council officer. Vice President Colleen Hinds and I will be unable to run for a second term for 2024.  Colleen remains employed full time and therefore desires to step down.  If not for a new serious health problem I would consider a second term.  However, I have already committed to the BPC to be a very active Immediate Past President to the extent that my health allows and my successor desires.  The best part of being BPC President has been all of the amazing people that I have met and worked with.  Time commitment for President: Average 2 hours daily, but with a range from 30 minutes to 6 hours (a couple of times).  Time commitment for Vice President: Average 5 hours/week.

Please give these needs your serious consideration and help the Big Park Council and our community continue to thrive!  Thank you.

John WichertPresidentBig Park Regional Coordinating Council