Highlight of the February 11th Council Meeting


From the Sedona Historical Society
Janeen Trevillyan, President of the Board, Sedona Historical Society/Sedona Heritage Museum has kindly shared a two page version of their Annual Report with us.  The Sedona Heritage Museum has safely reopened and the Annual Report provides a fascinating snapshot of their programs and progress for 2020.  Click here to download a copy of the PDF

Auto Camp Hearing The Auto Camp development plan will be considered by the County very soon.  The Board of Adjustment will be reviewing their rezone request. Interested parties must register for the Board of Adjustment hearing for the Auto Camp/Bear Mountain development on Tuesday 2/16 at 10am.  The following link can used to register to attend the hearing.   Click here

New Treasurer Assumes Office 
President Camille Cox announced Patty Reski as a candidate for treasurer with thanks to Neil Pope for again stepping up as treasurer pro-tem in the interim.  Patty was elected by unanimous acclamation and welcomed to the Executive Board.
Secretary’s Report  Secretary Mary Pope reported that information on Officers and our Statutory Agent have been updated with the Arizona Corporation Commission and welcomed Brad Baker as the new Representative for La Barranca I.
Treasurer’s Report  Treasurer Pro-Tem Neil Pope reported that January was a light month, but February expenses will be significant as annual insurance invoices are due and payable.  Twenty-three Member Organizations have already paid their dues for 2021.  
Approval of Bylaw Revisions  President Camille Cox led the discussion on the Noticed Bylaw Articles VIII Payment of Fees & Assessments and IX Indemnification, noting that no vote is required for Article X as it involved no change.  A motion for was made and passed, effective immediately, 19 in favor, 2 abstentions.
Revised Bylaws Review Session   Co-chair Nancy Maple and others became unavailable due to internet service crash. In light of losing a number of Representatives due to the interrupted connection, it was decided to delay the discussion on the selection of Member Organization Representatives until March.

P&Z Committee Chair Mary Morris noted that the Yavapai County P&Z Commission meeting (via zoom) is 2/18 at 9:00am and that she will convey the BPRCC’s position on the Art Tent Show Use Permit application, per our previously submitted report. The next committee meeting will be Feb 19th 10am via Zoom, all interested members of the community are welcome.

APS Subcommittee  Chair Duane Thompson provided an overview of the BPRCC community survey, noting excellent response and high community interest. A press release summarizing the results is currently in process. The three top concerns of those surveyed were (1) impact to the viewshed, (2) wildfire risk and (3) impact on property values.  The committee’s intention is to answer the Forest Service request for comments with both a primary recommendation from BPRCC as well as a backup recommendation.  McGuireville is also impacted by the APS plans.  They are part of the Beaver Creek Community Organization and it was suggested the committee might reach out to gauge their feelings about the project.  The committee has arranged a meeting Monday (2/17) with the USFS, APS, representatives from the Clean Coalition and committee members in attendance.  Duane indicated a limited number of other interested members of the Council could join by contacting Camille Cox (info@bigparkcouncil.org).

Dark Sky Committee  Camille reported that Lew Turano from Canyon Mesa Townhomes joined the standing meeting on 2/4 to share his HOA’s  successful two-year program to update lighting in their community. They were the winner of the 2021 Keep Sedona Beautiful Dark Sky award. Committee member Jennifer Stephanow has written a feature story on the project that is in final review.  Mark Lawler of the Sedona Dark Sky committee was also a guest at the 2/4 committee meeting.  The committee has drafted an editorial calendar to keep the public informed on Dark Sky issues and progress, and will be collaborating with the Sedona committee over the course of the year on media placement. Committee member Alex Wirts volunteered to perform our twice yearly night sky readings, as required by the IDA.  Phil Feiner and Jennifer joined the Camp Verde and the Sedona Dark Sky groups at the inaugural regional Dark Sky meeting to discuss potential areas of collaboration. The next meeting will be Thursday March 4th at 3pm, all interested members of the community are welcome.

Community Plan Committee  Chair Camille Cox reported that there are now 18 core committee members, eight of whom are new to the committee this month.  Each committee member has leadership responsibility for a select topic area or task:  Land Use – Tom Binnings, Transportation – Jeff Swan, Environmental – David Gill,  Water Resources – Marianne Langridge, Open Space – David Hanke and Sandi Heysinger, Energy – Joe Skidmore, Cost of Development – Mark Moorhead, Growth Areas – Robert Czajkowski, Parks/Recs/Schools – Jan Groves, Vision Statement – Judy Poe, Business and Economy – Omar Kenney, Survey Squad – Kirk Smith and Monique Kristofors, Report Consolidation/Distribution – Toni Polakoff,  Media & Promotion – Mary Morris.

Bylaws Committee Review Session  Co-Chair Mary Pope presented the committee’s recommendations on Article III Roles & Responsibilities, which bridge three different Articles. No voting will take place until all have been reviewed. The Council of Representatives is the corporation’s Board of Directors and, as such, may delegate responsibilities to the Officers and Committees, while retaining approval authority.  Action is at the Council’s direction.  The current bylaws outline the Council’s responsibility to work with the Community Plan, legislation and other governmental rules and regulations.  This responsibility is used as a guide to direct the Council’s work in researching, gathering and presenting information and consensus in the best interests of the community.  Mary acknowledged the Council for retaining the Executive Board, showing a list of tasks which would have been assigned to the Council of Representatives at large under the Proposed Bylaws. The Council retains approval authority for these items.

Announcements  Nina Joy Rizzo announced that Pine Creek 2 has objected to the decision of its parent HOA (VOCA) regarding an interpretation of its CC&Rs and the Patel property.  Her group is raising funds for Pine Creek 2 to pursue a legal case against VOCA. Mary Morris announced that contributions to this fund may be tax deductible.

The next meeting of the Council will be March 11th, 9am via Zoom
The next meeting of the Executive Board will be March 2nd, 2pm location TBD