Yavapai County just published a new survey to gather residents’ opinions on land use policy. Of the 13 different topical surveys they’ve published as part of this process – the matter of altering existing zoning (Land Use) will have Very High Impact for communities like ours. If we want to protect the small town character of our community, we need to let the County know where we feel high density and commercial projects are desirable – and where where they are not!
Please take the time to complete this survey – it should take approximately 5 minutes. Each member of your household may complete the survey, and you are encouraged to share the survey with your friends and neighbors. Your personal information will not be used or shared by the County.
There are surveys on many other topics to inform the Comprehensive Plan, which you can access here: https://planningyavapai2032.org/surveys.
In-Person Opportunity to Discuss the Plan with County Staff
Tuesday, August 9th 2-4pm (yes, THIS week)
Sedona Library in the Village (located at the Big Park Community School, 25 West Saddlehorn Rd.)
Big Park/VOC residents will have an in-person opportunity to ask questions and provide input to Development Services staff about the County Comprehensive Plan Update. This is a drop-in session, come by any time between 2pm and 4pm. (if you haven’t been to the new library yet, you’ll be wow’ed!)
You can review the DRAFT plan elements at: https://planningyavapai2032.org/. On that page you’ll find the draft documents for nine of the Elements and the Draft Vision Statement. The Comprehensive Plan is a critical document will help guide land use decisions in the unincorporated areas of the county for the next 10 years.
Below, for your convenience, you can review the County’s Draft Vision Statement. Its purpose is to provide high level guidance for County decision-makers in the future – with the various Elements delving into specifics. All of these pieces are still in Draft form, to be finalized in coming months. Now is the time to provide your input to the County!
If you have questions, contact County Development Services staff at Planning@yavapaiaz.gov. For questions about how this fits into our local Community Plan, send a message to info@villageplan22.org.
In coming weeks, your Big Park-VOC community plan will be sending key dates for completion of our work, and ways that you can participate in the community review.