10 August BPC Meeting Highlights & Community News



REMINDER:  BPC Seeking Donations for Legal Research Related to APS Powerline Proposal

Big Park Council is undertaking a limited fundraising campaign to finance legal research which could be used in the case of an unfavorable decision by the Forest Service regarding the McGuireville to VOC powerline proposal.  The Forest Service is expected to reach a final decision on the project early next year.  The Big Park Council supports an underground powerline from the intersection of Cornville Road and Beaverhead Flat Road into the Village of Oak Creek to the Oak Creek substation.

BREAKING NEWS:  In order to encourage public donations, the first $5000 donated to this campaign is being matched dollar for dollar by the Sedona Village Partnership.

For more information on the project and how to make a donation, please go to the APS Transmission Line section of the BPC website.  BPC President John Wichert’s August column in the Villager has additional information on how to support BPC’s advocacy efforts.In case you missed it – Yavapai County Supervisor, District 3, Donna Michaels had an OpEd last year in the Verde Independent.

REMINDER:  The NOVEL NIGHT Fundraiser for our local library is 30 September 2023There are 9 Themed dinners, some of which are already sold out!Dinner – Cocktails – CostumesTICKETS are on SALE nowFind out more at the Sedona Public Library website

REMINDER:  The BPC website can be accessed at www.bigparkcouncil.org . 

Sedona Chamber of Commerce

Click HERE to view or download the 9 page PDF Local News from August 11th. Click HERE to view or download the 7 page PDF Business News from August 10th

REMINDER – IT IS FIRE SEASON!Where are the fires?  Are they contained?Keep Informed – Sign up for USFS News ReleasesAdditional Local Resources are Just a Click Away on the new Big Park Council website.

2nd ANNUAL BRUNCH – SAVE THE DATE24 September – 10:30am -12:30pmClick HERE for the Announcement

CALL to ARTISTSThe Big Park Council Art in the Roundabouts Committee is accepting proposals for 3-Dimensional Public Art for the roundabouts in the Village located on SR179.  Submittals shall be mailed to arrive no later than 11/30/2023.  Click HERE for the full Call to Artists details.www.OurVillageArt.org



President John Wichert welcomed guest speaker Randy Hawley, President of the Board of the Sedona Oak Creek Unified School District (SOCUSD) at 9am.  Randy reported that new Superintendent of School Tom Swaninger started 7/24 and all staff returned on 7/31.  A welcome meeting was held shortly thereafter.  He noted that the schools are fully staffed, needing only one school bus driver and custodial help.  Anyone interested in these positions should contact Stacy Saravo, Director of Finance and Human Resources Email:  saravo@sedonak12.org   Phone: 928-204-6802.  He then noted Heather Isom as the new Principal and George Gleason as Assistant Principal.  The 2024 slogan for the Scorpions is “Scorpion Pride Rising Strong,” and the school is offering athletes their required physicals for free.  All classes from last year are being offered and American Sign Language and a class for students with limited English skills have been added.  Also, 110 new students enrolled who did not attend school in our District last year. All after-school programs remain the same, no cuts.  Free pre-school and day care are offered as a community service.  School Board President Hawley can be reached at Email: hawley@sedonak12.org

Supervisor’s Report

Yavapai County District 3 Supervisor Donna Michaels began her report with a recap of the successful Village Recycling launch party, thanking the Big Park Council and VOCA for getting the word out to the community.  She emphasized that the company managing the site, Squeaky Clean, is committed to sustainability and regeneration practices.  In addition, 10% of their income is donated to cancer research in honor of the owner’s father.  The new Recycling Center in the Village is in one of the lower back parking lots of Vista Village (corner of SR179 and Jacks Canyon Road) with easy access from East Cortez Drive.  When entering the parking lots from East Cortez Drive, take a right into the second parking lot (past the fence) and recycling bins are in the far corner. The Recycling Center accepts plastic, metal cans, mixed paper, and cardboard but no glass. She then noted that there are several new businesses in the Village and encouraged the community to patronize them. Supervisor Michaels went on to say that the speed limit on Jacks Canyon Road from Horse Mesa Ranch to Pine Valley has been reduced to 25 mph for safety reasons. There are blind intersections, trail access points and horse properties along that section of road.  Mary Pope thanked Supervisor Michaels for reducing the speed limit further along Jacks Canyon Road on behalf of La Barranca II, noting that although the speed limit is already 25 mph by their entrance, vehicles coming from the direction of Pine Valley crest the hill moving at a higher speed and present a danger to residents exiting La Barranca II.  Supervisor Michaels noted that there has been sufficient notice and signage for the change and the Sheriff will begin ticketing speeders soon. She asked that other traffic safety issues in the community be brought to her attention.  Mary Morris asked that additional signage and striping on the road at trail access points be considered. In answer to a question regarding the potential lease of a section of the Big Park School by the Sheriff’s office, Supervisor Michaels noted that everything is now in place with the letter of intent to begin working with prospective tenants. The Sheriff’s office will now begin the assessment of next steps.

Business Meeting

John called the meeting to order at 9:22am and the meeting agenda was approved by acclamation.  Secretary, Mary Pope, called the roll confirming a quorum of 15 Member Organizations present.  During the course of the meeting 13 guests were present. President’s Report: John acknowledged new APS subcommittee member Mark Matousek and noted that Bridget Bero has expressed interest in becoming involved with the BPC after her full retirement from NAU next year. John expressed appreciation and thankfulness for new volunteers stepping up.  He then reported that the trifold brochures prepared for realtors have been delivered and are being distributed by the Membership committee. Dennis Bauman reported that the response from Coldwell Banker was extremely positive, and that BPC has been invited to their general meeting in September to help their agents better understand the Big Park Council and its role in the community. John reminded the Council that the Membership committee had prepared tips for representatives and alternates to engage their constituents’ and promised to have that information sent to Mary Pope so that an email to Reps/Alts with this information could be sent out shortly. He then acknowledged the return to a 10-minute public agency speaker time limit to keep the Council meetings at a reasonable length.

Secretary’s Report: Mary reported no changes in membership and asked if there were any changes to the minutes of the 7/13 regular meeting and 7/13 executive session. Hearing none, a motion was made by Pat Robles, seconded by Carolyn Fisher to approve both. Motion passed unanimously.

Treasurer’s Report: Patty Reski reported that the final payment for the website has been made and the final generous anonymous donation received to cover the amount. She has added a new budget line item for donations received to finance legal research of a potential legal challenge to the McGuireville to VOC powerline proposal. To date $1050 has been received from VOC residents.

Unfinished Business:

APS Powerline legal research fund raising: David Gill reported on behalf of the Sedona Village Partnership (SVP), acknowledging members Don Groves and Dave Norton who are also BPC Representatives. He informed the Council that the SVP met on Tuesday, unanimously approving a $5000 conditional grant to the BPC for the potential legal challenge to the APS powerline proposal. In addition, a one-time $1000 grant will be made with the suggestion that it be used to raise community awareness of the situation. The conditions for the $5000 grant are twofold: 1. Up to $5000 will be granted to match contributions to the BPC for this project, without limitation as to who is the contributor and 2. Any remaining funds after the research (and potential lawsuit) is completed will be returned to SVP.  There are no conditions regarding the $1000 grant.  Joe Skidmore thanked David and the SVP for their generosity on behalf of the APS transmission line subcommittee. David then noted that SVP has an arrangement with BPC for the Art in the Roundabouts committee to accept and pass- through donations. He noted that SVP is a 501(c)3 non-profit and BPC is not. Donations to a 501(c) 3 are tax deductible. Patty Reski explained that if BPC’s application to become a 501(c) 3 is approved by the IRS, donations would become tax-deductible retroactive to the application date of 3/30/23. The application process takes 6 months. David will go back to the SVP Board to discuss agreement options with BPC should our 501(c) 3 application be rejected by the IRS.

John reminded the Council that articles on this fundraising effort have appeared in the Villager, on our website, NextDoor, Instagram and Facebook. Donations are being accepted via check, and electronically via PayPal, Venmo and Zelle. The email for electronic contributions is BuryVOCPowerline@gmail.com

Revision to Yavapai County Ordinance to include Noise: John reported that Susan Barber’s attempts to get a response from the YC Clerk for the Board of Supervisors have been unsuccessful, asking if anyone knew the proper process for moving this proposed revision along. Mary Morris offered to get in touch with Planning & Development Director Jeremy Dye on behalf of BPC and “introduce” Susan Barber to him. Joe Skidmore suggested that Supervisor Michaels also be brought into the project. Dave Norton noted that he was working with Mr. Burke on the YC Dark-Sky Ordinance and would provide Joe with his contact information.

New Business:

Nominating Committee: The BPC bylaws require that the Council appoint a Nominating Committee in August. Mary Pope confirmed that the committee is comprised of at least three Representatives, Alternates and/or members of Member Organizations who are not officers. John then explained that Patty Reski and Mary Pope are available to serve one additional term but that he would not be able to continue to serve as President due for medical reasons and would instead be a very active Immediate Past President and member of the APS Transmission line sub-committee. Colleen Hinds would like someone else to step up to the Vice President’s position due to work commitments. Dave Norton and Gay Chanler volunteered to join the Nominating Committee and one more member/chair is needed. In answer to a question on time commitments, prior committee members noted that the committee serves from August to October, spending about 12-16 hours each in total with meetings and phone calls. John then requested Representatives if they knew of anyone within their communities to serve to please speak with them and get back to him asap.

Representative to USFS Stakeholders Meeting 9/19 – John Wichert will serve as the BPC Representative and Rick Harroun will also attend if he is in the country.

Committee Reports:Art in the Roundabouts (AiR) – Rolf Funk reported on the committee’s timeline for update reports to the Council, noting that a Call to Artists has been prepared and will be released to the newspapers and on their website September 1.  He agreed that the Call to Artists be included in the BPC Meeting Highlights.  In answer to a question on distribution of the Call to Artists, nationally and internationally, he explained that local and southwestern artists were the first priority, with the committee feeling that these artists would understand the vision best.  Dark-Sky – Dave Norton reported that he and Curt Schneider spent several hours with Yavapai County Development Services reviewing the proposed draft revisions to the County Lighting Ordinance and felt that their suggestions were well received.  He stressed that the revisions do not include a grandfather clause and that all lighting will be required to be in compliance by January of 2027.   Emergency Preparedness Planning (EPPiC) – Gwen Hanna reported that the Purpose and Scope of the committee were completed with the launch of the BPC website as a repository of information. She noted that the committee’s recommendations moving forward should be to have a volunteer(s) to keep the information on the website up to date and to continue to engage the public via venues such as the VOCA BBQ and/or a Community Forum. The suggestion of the Committee was to officially add these functions to the Membership Committee as it would be in line with the Membership Committee’s purpose and scope. She suggested to the Council that the current EPPiC members may be available to assist the Membership Committee as needed, noting that she would volunteer her services to facilitate at upcoming public forum(s).  Gwen then noted that after 2 years, the EPPiC Committee has completed its task and is officially defunct.


  • The Membership Committee will meet Tuesday August 15th and include the emergency preparedness recommendations on its agenda.
  • The Sedona Public Library Novel Night fundraiser tickets are available and there are 9 parties planned, some of which are already fully booked.

Meeting adjourned at 10:30am.

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