Big Park Council President Susan Barber opened the meeting with a warm welcome to Lieutenant Pritchard and Sergeant McClintock from the Yavapai County Sheriff’s Office. Lt. Pritchard mentioned that due to the efforts of Sheriff Rhodes, and the Board of Supervisors, they are on an upward swing in hiring and are expecting a net gain of one or two deputies in the next month. He also explained the rigorous training required for certified peace officers and the challenges of the time lag of up to a year between hiring and completion of training. YCSO graduated 9 deputies from the academy this month, some of which will be assigned to the Verde Valley, upon completion of their Field Training. Lt. Pritchard also shared statistics on calls for service in the Village, noting that the majority of these were alarm calls and there were no reported burglaries or thefts in the last 30 days. In answer to a question he noted that the sheriff’s office is currently in a three-year lease at the Village office, and any decisions on creating a centralized facility using the Big Park School campus, would depend on the priorities of the new Yavapai County Supervisor coming in January.The Council expressed appreciation to Lt. Pritchard for his quick response to a question last month about volunteer opportunities with the Sheriff’s Office. Lt. Pritchard reiterated the importance of the Sheriff’s Office’s volunteers, including the Verde Search and Rescue and the Volunteers in Protection programs.
Roll Call & Approval of the Agenda: Secretary Mary Pope called the roll, confirming 16 member organizations present, 12 in-person and 4 via Zoom. Susan then called for a review of the agenda, which was unanimously approved on a motion by Carolyn Fisher, seconded by Dave Norton.
President’s Report: Susan recapped the Council’s key activities & achievements of 2024 thanking all the representatives, alternates, committee chairs & members for their participation in Council work.
Susan noted that much of our work as a Council is acting as a forum for community discussion & coordination with others. A few examples:
US Forest Service – Our new local District Ranger Alex Schlueter is a resident in the Village, and it’s been great to get to know him. Bob Marriott, as the Council’s Liaison, meets with him regularly. One key coordination this year was gathering community feedback on their Red Rock Trail Access Plan. The Turkey Creek portion of the plan was the most discussed with several issues raised. Mary Morris took the lead on behalf of our community along with Ben Lee for the Verde Valley School. Based on the most recent information shared with the Council in October, the issues raised have been addressed in their most recent Turkey Creek Trails plan. This is an excellent example of collaboration with others for the benefit of our community.
ADOT – Dave Norton and David Gill took the lead on requesting safety improvements be made to the Interchange of I-17 & SR 179. Dave attended at least 1 ADOT meeting and submitted written safety improvement requests and suggestions. The City of Sedona, our Yavapai County Supervisor and Keep Sedona Beautiful also submitted letters requesting safety improvements at that interchange. Unfortunately, these safety improvements were not included in their published 5-year plan. We’ll have to keep trying.
Verde Valley Transportation Planning Organization (VVTPO) is working on their Master Plan. Jeff Swan is the Council liaison & recently gave the Council a status report.
Sedona Oak Creek Unified School District’s (SOCUSD) Superintendent and Board President are regular guests at Council meetings. One topic of community discussion has been their plan to sell the Big Park Community School Property. This will continue to be an active topic of discussion this coming year, hopefully in collaboration with them. Carolyn Fisher has volunteered to act as our community point person.
Verde Valley Regional Economic Organization (VVREO) Board Chair Tom Billings provided the Council with regular updates on BEAD funding for Broadband in our area. We really appreciate VVREO championing this important effort. Tom also hosted a meeting this year to provide Council members with information on possible alternatives to the School District selling the Big Park Community School Property to a developer.
Verde Valley School, a Big Park Council member, used this forum to collect feedback on their SEED Property plan. Ben Lee also provides regular updates on school activities and public events held there.
Red Rock Road Enhancement Maintenance District (RRREMD) — Dave Norton is the Council liaison. Once recent coordination is the repair of the roundabout at Ridge Road & Las Piedras. A car failed to make a turn & damaged a portion of the wall. A resident asked us for information on when it would be repaired. Mary contacted Jeff Swan, and realizing this wasn’t an ADOT responsibility, Jeff contacted Dave & he arranged for the repairs to be completed and the person responsible billed.
The Council also serves as a forum for information sharing, whether it be from our Yavapai County Supervisor, the Sheriff’s Office, the Sedona Fire District, the Sedona Village Rotary Club and others. Our Meeting Highlights and Community News go out to approximately 500 subscribers twice a month and many of our member organizations circulate the information within their communities. Articles are submitted for publication in our local newspaper each month. I’m sure I’m joined by everyone on the Council in thanking Mary Pope for keeping our community informed.
The Council also serves as a forum to collect community feedback on issues that affect Village life. Two such surveys were hosted this year. One on the impact of our wildfire risk designation on homeowners insurance, and another to collect internet upload & download speeds to support VVREO’s Broadband & Federal BEAD funding efforts on our behalf.
Committee Accomplishments
Planning & Zoning: Co-Chaired by Bob Marriott & John Wichert. Members include David Gill, Nancy Maple, Michael McGaughey, David Moscone and Dave Norton.
The committee has recruited volunteers & established a new process for using Yavapai County Citizen Serve Portal to watch for permits of interest. The Committee is monitoring several items, which they’ve reported to the Council, and they’ve established a closer working relationship with YC Planning & Development, which helps us effectively address issues we see from a Planning & Zoning perspective.
Planning & Zoning’s APS Subcommittee: Co-Chaired by Joe Skidmore & Mark Matousek Members include Clay Dunsmore, Jeff Swan, John Wichert, Bob Marriott & Buzz Theilemann with recent assistance from Sharon Seppi. This ad hoc committee has been working for 5 years now on APS’s proposed new transmission line connecting the McGuireville substation to the one here in the Village. Joe gives the Council regular updates, and he recently wrote an article for the Villager giving the community an update. One of the most significant things that happened this year was an onsite meeting in August with the Coconino National Forest staff and APS staff. This was the first time in years that we were able to interact directly with APS. Since then, committee members have engaged with APS senior staff, asking questions and providing information. A true communication breakthrough. Committee members have also partnered with Keep Sedona Beautiful and Red Rock Scenic Byway and are keeping them briefed on the status.
The Community Plan Committee became a standing committee this year with the approval of their updated scope & purpose. Co-Chaired by Joe Skidmore & Tom Binnings. Members include Judy Poe, Kathy Nelms, Jeff Swan, Marianne Langridge, Jan Groves & David Gill
Dark Sky Committee: Co-Chaired by Dave Norton & Curt Schneider. Members include: Camille Cox, Curt Czarsty, Kirk Smith, Jennifer Stephanow, Alex Wirts. They partnered with Sedona Schools and Town of Camp Verde for dark sky classes & star parties. They partnered with the City of Cottonwood for this year’s eclipse viewing event. They’re also working with Yavapai County to update the County lighting ordinance.
Membership Committee: Chaired by John Wichert. He is joined by Gay Chanler and Antoinette Beiser. They held community outreach events and sent letters to non-member HOAs in the Village to encourage them to join us.
Digital Media Committee: Chaired by Pat Robles. Members include: Mary Pope and Fred Lenz. This committee was formed this year to keep our website & other digital media updated.
Art in the Roundabouts: Co-Chaired by Rolf Funk & Steve Fiedler. Members include: Camille Cox, David Gill, Lenore Hemingway, Harvey Bershader. They evaluated artists submissions for the Village Roundabouts and then held a Reveal Event of the finalists to gather community feedback. This committee was dissolved by the Council & transferred to Sedona Village Partnership for all future activities which includes fundraising for the artwork eventually selected, along with its Installation. I’m sure we all look forward to seeing art installed in our roundabouts.
There are 3 committees that are formed annually for specific tasks – Audit, Budget & Nominating. Audit committee members were Pat Robles (Chair), Colleen Hinds & Joe Skidmore. Budget Committee members were Patty Reski (Chair), Neil Pope, Pat Robles and Paul Sullivan. Nominating committee members were Margie Gershtenson, Mary Morris, Gay Chanler.
Secretary’s Report: Mary called for any adjustments to the minutes of November 14, and hearing none, minutes were approved on a motion by Carolyn Fisher, seconded by Dave Norton. There were no changes to representatives or member organizations.
Treasurer’s Report: Patty Reski reported that there was no income and only two small expenses in November, with a comfortable balance of around $5,600.
Unfinished Business: Firewise Collaboration with USFS: This program began because of the BPC survey on the impact of our Wildfire Risk Designation on Homeowners Insurance. Lisa Holly has taken the lead to work with the USFS on Firewise clearing of forest areas adjacent to local communities. A survey will be sent out early next year. Two BPC communities in addition to La Barranca II have expressed interest in joining this program, Canyon Mesa and Pine Valley. Lisa is the BPC Secretary-elect and is also on the Board of Firewise USA.
New Business: NOTICE of Proposed Bylaw Revision: A minor modification to the bylaws was proposed by Patty Reski to change the due date for dues invoices to be sent out from November 30th to December 31st. She proposed changing it to December 31st to align with the cash accounting system and make it easier for people to understand the budget. Joe Skidmore clarified that the due date for annual dues would remain February 1st, and they wouldn’t be considered late until March 1st. Patty confirmed that the vote on this issue would take place in January.
Committee & Liaison Reports
APS Transmission Line Subcommittee: Joe Skidmore then gave a report on the APS Subcommittee, mentioning that Mark Matousek had updated the BPC draft objection letter in preparation for the comment period expected to be opening in January after the release of the Environmental Assessment by the USFS.
He also mentioned ongoing investigations into the private section of the power line and interactions with Frank Sanderson from APS. Joe highlighted the commitment from APS to jointly walk the proposed route and the valuable input from Mark’s neighbor, Sharon Seppi, retired Managing Director of Construction Services for Rocky Mountain Power/PacifiCorp responsible for property/rights of way, siting, permitting and construction of major capital facilities. John Wichert added that Sharon suggested ways to disguise power lines, which could be beneficial. Joe discussed the ongoing investigation into the private section of the power line by John Wickard, who has reached out to Supervisor Michaels and Supervisor elect. Joe also mentioned that Mark and John have met with Frank Sanderson, the APS contact person, who has shown more openness and responsiveness. Joe highlighted the importance of staking and jointly walking the route to understand the geology and grade of the proposed route. The final EA and draft plan are expected to be released on January 5th. Sharon added that if the power line is not buried as it comes down Fox Trail, there are ways to disguise it, such as zigzagging it through the forest, which could be cheaper and more effective.
Membership Committee John Wichert discussed the membership committee’s efforts to reach out to the community and increase the distribution of the highlights newsletter.
Meeting adjourned at 10:10am